
Help me choose my starter fish!?

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I have a ten gallon tank. All the plants are artificial and the gravel level is a little more than an inch ( not seeing how it helps choose a fish but..). I want tropical fish and my glass aquarium is around 75 degrees F in the summer. I am a beginner. I want fish that get along. The peices are :

* A tiny treasure chest

* A tiny ruin

* A fake log with fake plants on it

* A coral-like structure with fake plants on it

* And two little fake trees that cam with a betta bowl




  1. guppies are good they are easy to take care of

  2. you have a few options here

    i will give you some stocking ideas with the numbers on how many you can have

    1 female or male betta

    6 cardinal tetras

    3 cory cats


    1 dwarf gourami

    6 rummy nose tetras

    3 otocinclus


    3 guppies

    3 platies

    6 rasboras

    3 otocinclus


    6 neon tetras

    6 zebra danios

    a few red sherry shrimp, up to 10 i would say

  3. you should probablyy get guppies,tetras,glowfish and a bottom feeder to eat the algea but never get a chinease algae eater they start out eating algea  but then could end up sucking up some of your fish.

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