
Help me choose the right martial art for me?

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i am 14 yrs old.

the kind of martial art i want to be taught are the things where you break boards, do cool kicking moves, but at the same time, the moves are very useful for fighting in real life situations.

can anybody tell me what martial art teaches you moves for real life fighting situations, but at the same time the moves are really cool looking?

please be VERY specific with your answers.

if you don't have anything nice to say, don't say it at all.




  1. lol thats a very hard combination u put together kool moves and usefull at same time. 99% of the time the cool moves are never usefull. I think it all really depends on ur master. I studied under guys whose father orignal taught in korea. The kid of course learn martial art and moved to america becoming a punk. So he did alot of street fighting and got in trouble. Now of course he is very different but still teaches. Through his experience in real fighting he was able to teach how to react in those bad situations.  

    One that comes to mind is tae kown do just because is one of the more simple ones to learn and very effective if used wisely. Their are also some pretty kool moves u can learn. This was also one of first martial arts I learned.

  2. tae kwon do

  3. I posted this exact question. Now the only problem is that, I know really good Martial Arts but they dont always have the coolest moves. Also, do you think you will be able to do those cool moves wright away. You will probably doo wayyy boring at the begining things and eventualy learn the cool stuff.

    Any ways here are my list.

    Taekwondoe - 80% Kicks (pretty cool) 20% punches. Hard  kick blows. More of a tournament martial arts

    Kung Fu - There are many different kinds of Kung Fu, but if you want one with cool moves, then do Wing Chun. More of a show off with fancy moves martial art.

    Jujitsu - This one will 100% help you in a fight. It is all groundwork. You take your opponetn to the ground. Most Martial Arts dont practice groundwork so they are helpless agaist a Jujitsuist. Not many cool moves, but most affective.

    Akidio - I think this one is for you and me. It has very affective moves and they are very cool. It is more defence, bbut then you use your defence as a offence.

    I saw Akidio. Look at the above Martial Arts on Youtube. Its very cool!

    Hope This helped

    C H

  4. Taekwondo is a good starting point.

  5. well look it all depends on your motivation and philosphy .how can you study martial arts if you already know much about them ?here in martial arts size is know problem to us but i say if you had a strong ,bully man with muscles and he didnt train any martial arts and then the other man is a teen but he is small ,sharp and fast and had trained martial arts.when you should study the martial arts dont think about getting black or blue even the level 0 belt can do some techniques.breaking boards is like you do math and physics.why do you want to break boards i thought you said you want to do martial arts right . remeber boards arent the real opponents. An old story might tell you some of the mindset you ought to apply when studying martial arts:A young boy traveled across Japan to the school of a famous martial artist. When he arrived at the dojo he was given an audience by the Sensei

    "What do you wish from me?" the master asked.

    "I wish to be your student and become the finest kareteka in the land," the boy replied. "How long must I study?"

    "Ten years at least," the master answered.

    "Ten years is a long time," said the boy. "What if I studied twice as hard as all your other students?"

    "Twenty years," replied the master.

    "Twenty years! What if I practice day and night with all my effort?"

    "Thirty years," was the master's reply.

    "How is it that each time I say I will work harder, you tell me that it will take longer?" the boy asked.

    "The answer is clear. When one eye is fixed upon your destination, there is only one eye left with which to find the Way." .so you should know it doesnt matter if you study hapkido or ninjutsu or kenpo or kung fu.

    first it is important how the master is ,second i will give you advice listen to me carefully,use your wisdom and think what will i need in martial arts and this will give you answer .always use this things you should develop speed,accuracy,power and respect.without these it is useless doing martial the best thing i will tell you you can do the karate but to the shotokan karate.well you may think well yuck karate everybody is doing it why should i?well shotokan has all the blocking and attacking techniques but no weapons you may say its bad but on the other hand if you do also aikido well i can say you can disarm your opponent and break is hands.and always in school or other place if somebody says to you come fight me and you know aikido and shotokan karate leave them ,they are useless ,use your brain then your skills ,have you seen kung fu panda when the rhinosaures werelike thousends and tai lung was one because he didnt use his muscles ,he thought and he was skilled .and then 1000 rhinosaures came on him and he killed them because they had the weopens,muscles but not skilled so wisodm will win in anyway.and if they go after you now is the time to hit and fight .remeber aikido is a good martial art and i would suggest like me do the shotokan karate and the aikido .and by the way you may see that a person who is very a dedicated and good student studys everyday may get a black belt in 2-3 years and if the person studys like 3 times a week or 2 then may get up to 5 years but remeber it all goes to motivation if you have it ,congratulations and if not earn it.also there is know better or bad martial arts all are the same  but have different methods and remember  what martial art you study there is no accident you wanted it in your see ya email me when you chose your mind on them or others.also krav maga is a good martial arts only i am not sure this is a military and aggresive and you may get hurt but hurt only realises in what danger or part you are in so good luck in whatever martial art you chose.:)

  6. u shud defenitely go for has an art in it unlike karate which is gud for big made strong people.but kung fu is really cool.thy teach u mre kicks in kung fu2 to a beginner.but in karate ul hav2 stay for lyk an year to learn a gud lukng kick.sice ur a gal kungfus best.u can make da hand fan ur some mvies n ul gt it.mveis lyk snake in eagles shadow.drunken monkey n mvies of jackey chan.

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