
Help me connect my laptop to the internet before i kill myself?

by  |  earlier

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Apparently my default gateway is offline, my laptop can't detect a network address and Dhcp is not enabled.

Since i don't know what any of this means can someone PLEASE help?





  1. how are you reading this??

  2. you need to right click the network icon and open network connections. This should allow you to view wireless networks. Then select your router and ask it to connect. It will ask for a network key, this will be the encryption key set up when it was installed. Without this it can not read dhcp or anything else, even though it shows connected, as connected just means it has a bare wireless link.

  3. You have your wireless switched on but you are not connected to anyone's internet.  Perhaps they are not online and therefore you can't connect if they are not online.

  4. you need IP Address for the laptop, and Gateway


    The problem is not your internet connection, because the other pc connection is good.

    The problem is with the one LAPTOP.

    Steps to resolve the problem:

    1.  On that computer, go into Device Manager and DISable your NIC card. (Network Interface Card).

    RIGHT click MyComputer > select Properties > tab Hardware > button Device Manager. >

    DISable your NIC.

    2.  Restart that pc.

    Windows will reinstall the card.

    3.  Go into Device Manager again, and if it is not now ENabled, ... then do Enable it.

    4.  If you have already run the Network wizard, that should solve the problem.  If not, do run the Network wizard for the laptop, and for wireless you will need the router key.

    If not, you need to test the NIC to make sure it is working properly. It is possible you would need to replace it,( or the cable going to that pc if you are using a cable). Test both.


  6. Hi,  i read your question about your laptop not connecting to internet,   firstly who is your ISP  provider,  do you have broadband ?     It sounds to me if your regristry is corrupt but you may be able to repair this if you have original back up disc's n reset  your date from last time you used your laptop.

    If this doesn't work find a local  computer shop  that can repair or advise you on what to do.     Dave

  7. You do have a modem router plugged into your phone line, turned on, with phone filters in place?

    I would plug your laptop into it using an ethernet cable, rather than try with wireless to start with.

  8. if your default gateway is offline then it usually means your isp is down (your internet provider) or your router is shot.

    see if you can wirelessly connect to someone elses network.

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