
Help me convince my dad to let me get a hamster!?

by Guest44911  |  earlier

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My dad pretty much hates all animals and especially pets. I want to get a hamster but my dad had a bad hamster experience as a kid where once his hamster escaped and climbed into the furnace and died. Also, he says hamsters get little scabs on their tush and die. He says he doesn't want to deal with me being upset when my hamster dies. I've told him that atleast it's better than not getting one at all but he won't listen. I really want a hamster! Please help me convince my dad!




  1. I wish I could give you something positive but I cant really. In my past I have had 2 hamsters and theres lots of hard things to do. You must put them in a good temperature because 1 of mine froze over night and i live in a hot area. Also he is right that will run away when they get the chance and they arent smart to figure out what might happen. So you shouldnt get a hamster maybe a tiny dog or something.

  2. You should show him that you are responsible enough and like walk peoples dogs around your town or show him that you are responsible you could  watch others dogs if the owners are on a trip....

  3. I had this same problem with my parents! What I did was I did a big report on how good of a pet owner I would be! Tell your dad that when your hamster dies, of course you will be sad but you will get over it! I hope I helped!

  4. To show you are really enthusiastic, stick pictures up all over your room, on your computer wallpaper, screensaver, books, door- everything! Don't let him drop the subject of a pet, because then you'll never get a hamster! Get some library books out on the subject, but don't forget to leave them lying around in prime places, and take one everywhere with you, especially when you're on a car journey!!


  5. hamsters make brilliant pets especially siryian hamsters,they are sooooo cute and lovable.they dont cost much to look after either.DAD.... let her get one stop being a meany!! lol

  6. ok just show him this message....


    she will take care of it!! :]


  7. If your b day is near tell your friends to get you a hamster then he woulnt even think about giving it away cuz it was a present or you could just go out and buy one without telling him also you could give him a total guilt trip where he will feel so bad that he feels oblagated to get you one

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