
Help me convince someone to pick mccain!?

by Guest61520  |  earlier

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An older cousin of mine was a well dedicated supporter of mccain. he would send me convincing emails regarding obama. and they made you really think that we need mccain. But since the vp pick he said vp does not have enough expericance and because some type of law she passed in alaska the wild life is being hunted down!!!! please send me videos of obama that make you think twice!




  1. Sorry he sounds llike an intelliegent person & anyone picking McCain after the Palin pick has been brainwashed by Fox news.

  2. No, I won't. You're on your own on this one...

  3. You don't need to be convinced, it sounds like your intuition is leading you in the right direction.  

  4. Can't do it, Palin is a right wingnut.  She wants all abortions ended, even for rape and incest victims.  I wouldn't vote for that ticket on a bet.

    Can you imagine setting up visitation for your child with your rapist?

    He would have rights of a father you know.

    Or making some twelve year old give birth to her daddy's baby?

    That's what she wants.

    For her daughter, if that's her choice that's her problem.

    But a would want a safe choice for my daughters or granddaughters if they were in that position.

    I hope that makes you think twice.

    Its not always experience, sometimes its actually what the person says.  Shes has her stand, and shes entitled to that, but knowing that I couldn't vote that ticket, and yes, I would have crossed over if McCain hadn't been so blatant about wanting to pack the Supreme Court to get his way, I've had enough of that tactic.

  5. Tell your cousin that McCain and Palin will never act alone. They have droves of informed and experienced people who help them make political decisions. Remind your cousin that Liberal-flip-floppers like Obama can't be trusted. I mean, one minute he sat in the pue listening to his pastor "God d**n America" as well as financially supporting that pastor and church. Then, the next minute he "disowns" him when the public disapproves? If someone changes their stance based on the feelings of others, how would you know who and what you're supporting? Remind your cousin of that. Oh yeah, and the fact that with "change" will come higher taxes. There's nothing more degrading than having to turn your hard earned money over to the government. Then, when you see what it's spent on you become infuriated.  

  6. This is all you need:

    edit: this will give you all you need as well.

  7. There's no helping him. He's a PETA whacko.

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