
Help me cure my Hangover please!!!?

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I drank way to much alcohol last night and now i have had a major hangover all day. Its now night again and it's still here!!! Im drinking gingerale and i i ate fruit and i was gonna eat bread but it turns out i dont have any.I didn't get very much sleep last night so could that be a reason why? Please give me tips on how to get rid of it please. Thanks ♥




  1. Guest21361

     Am a great witch doctor of Africa, i help in solving problem spiritually such as HIV/AIDS CURE, HANGOVER CURE, COCAINE / HEROIN  CURE, CANCER CURE, LOVE SPELL, 

  2. a glass of V8 always worked for me.  but then I've never had a hangover last that long.

  3. have a beer! sounds stupid but it will help

  4. OK....three things ALWAYS cure my hangover.

    1. Lots of water (or tomatoe juice)

    2. Food

    3. Smoke a bowl of weed

    Seriously. The weed helps the most. I HATE drinking without knowing I'll have some weed to cure my hangover in the morning.

  5. havent you seen rob and big? Big black has a antidote

  6. please see the following article:

  7. i usually make myself sick then go in the shower and the shower routine ALWAYS works and then i usually drink a smoothie

  8. drink milk it will help , trust me

  9. Actually it may be in your best interest to go in the bathroom, and throw up in the toilet. Put your finger down your throat until you throw up. Then get something WHOLE to eat, like a cheeseburger. Something that will put alot of weight on your stomach. Good Luck and hope you feel better!

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Latest activity: 9 years, 10 month(s) ago.
This question has 9 answers.


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