
Help me cure my addiction?

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i have a crazy addiction to diet pepsi. im being serious. i drink so much of it and im worried cuz i know theres aspartame in it. anyone know how to cut an addiction??




  1. First of all asparatame is a big concern because of the link to certain cancers.....second, just the carbonation is hard on your kidneys. Addictions are treatable, but usually with a psychiatrist can help you.....

    Or try your own aversion thereapy.....make yourself eat something you find disgusting every time you drink a diet may be able to cure yourself by associating a negative with it.....just a thought.

  2. i've known 3 other people with the same lie..

    i wouldn't worry soooo much about it...

    my girlfriend drinks the equvalent to 2 2 liters a day of it and nothing else..

    i couldn't tell you how to cut drinking it..she says she drinks it because she hates the taste of regular soda now...and she used to be fat so she started drinking it because of that and now...she cant stop.

    good luck just know you're not a lone

  3. Try to control yourself and dont buy anymore diet pepsi.

    When you have cravings for it have something else like eating mints or chewing gum instead. If you cant control get help

  4. Ovedr time cut down and substitute with something else.  Then eventually let go altogether!

  5. Like anything addicting, you have to reduce gradually.

    I know of one person that was hooked on Pepsi.  When she was out, she experienced weird symptoms -- shaking, sweating, nausea, etc.  (just like a drug)

    Was weird..

    Everything went back to 'normal' when she got a hold of a 2litre bottle.  I was amazed.

  6. just reduce gradually

  7. i have recently stopped smoking and this is how i did it. say you have a pepsi at in the morning well the next day have 1 at 9. then the day after that have 1 at 10 and the day after that have a pepsi at 11, and keep doing that till your going the hole day with out a pepsi. it worked for me to stop smoking so hopefully itll work for you

    Good luck

    youll find your self waiting for that time when you can have your pepsi, but do something for 5 minutes and then youll only have 25minutes to go that what i did and kept doing that, and while your waiting for your pepsi drink water or something healthy. as the days go on you get more prouder that you waited the right time to have a pepsi and gives you and wee boost for the day

    Good luck once again, you can do it, even if it doesnt happen the first time!!

  8. Start drinking Coke. You'll never touch Pepsi again.

  9. drink coke instead

  10. I was addicted to  Coke, so I know what you mean.  I used to shake if I hadn't had a coke by ten in the morning.  

    I cured it by cutting down - I bought those tiny cans of coke (don't know if they're still available) and halved it.

    Within a few weeks I was free and I never drank coke for years.

    I've started again, unfortunately, on diet coke.  And yes, I drink too much of it.  But I take care and drink water and tea instead!

  11. Cut down on it...slowly...just take it one day at a time... my mom was addicted to coke and it was real bad when she stopped drinking it. She had to stop immediately because the coke ate away part of her stomach (that part's now plastic, she needed surgery). But she had very very bad withdrawal symptoms,  It's not going to be easy for you, but I do think it will be worth it, good luck!!

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