
Help me decide between two sports!!! PLZ!!!?

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I've been playing tennis since I was eight, but I stopped for a very long time cause no one can bring me to tennis courts anymore. Since some of my relatives and my parents' friends have been bugging me about golf, I triedit when I went to a Nike Golf Camp for a week. Now, I want to continue a sport, but I don't know thich one cause I love both sports...

Please don't decide for me, but just help me realize my future in both sports and tell me the pros and cons about them...





  1. tennis. you can stay more active than in golf, and you wont fall asleep from being bored=D

  2. I agree with the others on tennis. for basically the same reasons. plus you've done it longer and it's probably easier than golf considering teams and stuff. hoep this helped your decision bye!

  3. choose the one you are the most best at because you will probablt move forward in that sport. Good Luck!!!!

  4. Tennis, not alot of schools are known for a good golf team. With tennis you'd have a shot at a scholarship.

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