
Help me determine the most likely grade distribution of my class, with a 3.6 curve?

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I am in a class with 21 other people. The curve last year was a 3.6- 3.7. If I continue to use this number, what grade distribution is most likely. Our grading system is A=4.0, B+= 3.5, B= 3.0, and C+= 2.5.

I'm assuming most people would get a B+, with a few getting the A spots.




  1. I think i understand what you're saying. I believe about 80% will get a B+ and 20% A because 3.6 is 20% past 3.5 and 80% away from 4.0  Since 3.6 is closer to 3.5, you would switch the percentages around? Does this make sense. I understand that my own logic is confusing sometimes.

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