
Help me figure out whats wrong with my learning disability

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I get 100's across the board in reading, comprension, art, computers, and science. For the life of me, I don't understand english! Whether it be gramatical, punctuation, verbs, or adverbs- and all that other retarted stuff. It doesn't make sense to me.

I passed the class because I rehearsed the Q&A, however I have no idea what it all means, and math to! I have no clue or comprehension of anything beyonf fractions, times tables and addition.

How did i pass these college level courses? I guessed alot. I am so frustrated as to why, no matter how hard i try math and english dont make sense. In math the rules chang to often, its confusing. In english its even more complicated you have no idea what you should put where at any given time and the rules chage as well thiers so many styles and formats, english is just an abyss of confusion. Did i write this paragraph correctly "I know i didnt I have no freakin clue".

My learning style: ITS BEST EXPLAINED LIKE THIS: like reading a book and learning the definitions of the words (COMPREHENSION)"its easy for me A) understand "because it never changes you read a book, if you dont know the meaning you look it up. you dont have to add the words together subtract them divide them and - them to the power of one, and the if you red a blue book the ruke might change, so many rules and regulations to remember, all of them dont make sense. I have to understand the why and the how, if not i will never get it. The same reason I dont understand english, it has the same bull c**p as math lots of rules diffrent scenarios, never the same occasion. I have no clue about somebody eating fudge this stuff really gets to me, how can a person so smart in some subjects be retarted in others?

do i have a learning disability? what is wrong with me? I try so hard and I cant grasp what others might call the basics of math and english?




  1. It's possible, even probable, that you do have some sort of learning disability. However, you also ought to read books on multiple intelligences. The best-known one is by Howard Gardner. If the link (a real long one) works, here it is on Amazon:


    Otherwise, just go to Amazon and look up "Howard Gardner."

    The reviews of the book online are quite extensive, and you can get a good idea of his approach. Basically, it's that different people have different learning styles, just as you described yourself. You may be great hands-on, but hopeless when reading something out of a book. It doesn't mean you're "better" or "worse" than someone else; it just means that you'll absorb the same information as someone else, but the two of you will have different methods of doing so.

    However, it does mean that you may be far more successful in certain occupations than others. And that's important to know, too.

    In addition, you should consult a psychologist or educational tester to determine if you do have any learning disabilities. If you're still in school (or, perhaps, as an alumnus have access to school facilities), check with the counseling office to see what services they can offer.

    If it's any consolation, a lot of people in your situation are "exposed" even earlier in life. Turns out many (including, I suspect, you) are very intelligent in many areas, and you've used those skills to compensate, fill in, and to some extent hide, your weakness in other areas.

    So: Read one or more books by Gardner. You'll definitely "recognize" yourself in there. Then get some testing. You'll be fine.

    Hope that helps.

  2. I'm not qualified to diagnose you.  I think it certainly sounds like you might have a learning disability.  Consult your doctor for testing.

  3. I think that you are understanding what you see at eye value and it makes sense to you rather than the other subjects but the math is something you need to look at in a more open way other than under your nose as in math will end up learning you the distance between point a and b ...the same is true will other math if you are setting a fence post at a certain angle and so far apart you would need math to know how to do that. same as with engineering or graphs you can't look at math as just a peice of paper to figure the problem out as in if a pole stands this high then how many feet will it take laying down type things get out of the class room in the mind when in math and look at it as something you are trying to build or get an angle on to figure out the problem, as for english you need to simply it with one thing at a time work on verbs then go to the others then it will help to understand as you break each thing down to one instead of a whole problem of understanding it all

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