
Help me find a drink!?

by  |  earlier

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Right once apon a time there was a Fruit Salad, Blackjack, and Refreshers Fizzy Drinks in the size of a red bul can. They was the best! And then they stopped selling them.. I ask people if they every tryed one and all I get is nope, never hurd of them... This was about 5 6 years ago or somthing. So then i went on Bassits website and found nothing about them ever being made. So i would just like to see if they was real and if anyone had any proof!






  1. Candy think?

  2. No one's gonna remember a drink from 56 years ago!

  3. I do remember them, finnest juice ever - but forgot about them (and lots of other things) when i started drinking alcohol. Dunno how you'd get proof or anything - but you could say Sarah used to buy it! Incase people think your mad! Wow what a blast from the past lol

  4. wonder if ben meant 5 OR 6 years ago ??

    Or was it 56 ?
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