
Help me find a poem??

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I have been searching for days for a poem for my husband. We don't have the best relationship, and we have both been trying really hard to make it work. I want a poem about making love work, and it takes two people. Something on those lines. If anyone knows of a poem please please let me know. I can't write a poem to save my butt, but I really want to save my marrige. - Thanks




  1. you won t save your marriage with a must show your husband you really love him and that you would do anything to keep him by your side...a poem doesn t do miracles. I can tell you because my parents are divorced and I found the right a poem to say how much I kneeded them to be together, but there were other things I didn t understand immediately

  2. Here's something I just wrote for you and your husband.  I hope you like it and decide to use it.  In any case, good luck; and I hope everything works out for you both.


    I want you to know I truly love you with all my heart and soul,

    Marrying you and being your wife will always be my life's greatest role.

    I know we've had our ups and down; mostly good times though a few were bad,

    But I don't want to ever lose you  --  to do so would make me forever sad.

    So, lets try to get together and talk about where we both went wrong

    Finding the answers to whatever problems exist will only make our love more strong.

    Once this is all behind us, we can begin again with a clean slate

    And remember how our love blossomed from our very first date ...

  3. why not a little bit of shakesphere?

  4. Water Weep for Me

    By Victoria Tarrani

    (© 0807.06)

    This morning I watched you sleep,

    and my heart filled with joy

    then it broke.

    How many harsh words

    I said that I didn't mean

    and don't remember

    can I mend them by

    sharing memories

    with you?

    I remember a day with laughter,

    running along the beach,

    and in the quiet darkness,

    against the sounds

    of melodic waves,

    holding each other

    and making love.

    We can go back

    to that beach,

    we can recapture

    the innocence and

    passion that holds us

    together even though

    the ebbing flow tries

    to pull us apart.

    We fought that day

    through waves grown

    strong and driven,

    our fingers touched,

    then a wave swept me

    out of your reach.

    You swam against the tide

    and caught me.  You said,

    "If we drown, we drown

    together because I don't

    want to live without you."

    We both worked hard

    getting out of the water,

    but we held on to each other

    knowing it was the only

    way we would survive.

    I lean over and kiss

    your cheek, then run

    my fingers through your

    silky hair.  Your eyes meet mine.

    I cry out silently,

    “Don’t turn from again!”

    Maybe my thoughts met

    yours as you pull me

    close to you.

    You whisper,

    “We won’t drown.”

  5. Try writing what is in your heart, and it will be perfect.  Not someone else's thoughts and dreams, but yours.

  6. like they always said. the best gift are the ones that was given from the heart. if you really want a poem to save your mariage, write exactly what your heart said. and let your husband know that it came from your heart. and make sure you tell him how much you love him.
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