
Help me find anti man-made global warming evidence.?

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I remember reading and finding studies and research that disputed man-made global warming. I don't have access to my university library to get into those advanced academia search engines anymore.

Can someone please post up some links to academia that disputes man-made global warming. I can easily find many interpretations from this evidence from many sources but I want the actual studies done.

If you can supply any info to guide me in the right direction would be helpful. Thanks for your time and help.




  1. first point is this global warming is most likely just the end of the ice age we are in.

    what the treehuggers have done is turned the end of the ice age we are in to a major crisis.

    as you can see from the 5 million year chart that the temperatures are bouncing at a greater level as time goes on.

    as you can see on the Phanerozoic Climate Change chart we are in a ice age and the long term temperature  averages are still falling.

    as you can see on the 65 Myr Climate Change chart the 65 Myr Climate Change "average" tempratures is at the lowest in the last 65 million years.

    what i can not understand is why global warming is bad.

    it is going to happen no mater what we do

    yes CO2 levels may raise due to the warming, not warming due to CO2 levels.

    this is a major scam calling this warming unnatural

    the temperatures will go up and down  in ever greater cycles till the ice age ends.

    this is why we had the dust-bowl condition in the 1920-30s warming and the coming ice age scare of the 1970s and now the global warming scam now.

    in the next 30 years the temps will go down again and they will call that climate change and blame that on CO2 levels

    the tree huggers have a scare for any thing that happens.

    yes over the next 1000 years the temps may raise slowly during these cycles because we are ending this ice age.

    but the world temps will raise because the ice age will end some time.

    this is why the treehugger are so absorbed with getting it fixed and getting the laws they want on the books NOW

    they know it is a scam and want there rules on the books NOW before we find out it was a big scam.

  2. Sure.  Here are 26 arguments against global warming and.....

    the reasons they're nonsense.

    Many will be contained in the references you get from other people.  The nonsense is all pretty much the same.

  3. The global warming religion is based only on selective evidence gathered over the last 100 years.

    It ignores previous times.

    Hope you get a lot of links, but you can probably find them better than I could, cuz u know what to look for.

    There is not just a debate over whether or not global warming is man-made, but there is also a debate about whether or not it even exists.

    For one, less than 30 years ago they were warning about the danger of global "legitamate" press!

    Another example, Greenland was once green. That is, it wasn't the chunk of ice it is today.

    It did not get extremely cold until the 14th century. Sorry, no cars to blame.

    So at some point in history, significantly warmer temperatures were "normal".

    Also, new species are found every day, but we are obsessed with the ones that might die if the planet goes up one degree.

    I guess what I would like to know, who are we to say what the temperature is supposed to be? Is it supposed to be exactly as it was in 1969, so we can have the Woodstock festival every year? Or is it supposed to be like it was in 1000AD? When you could farm in Greenland, wearing only a tunic and sandals?

    Also, look at old light-houses. The oldest ones are several miles inland. Why? They were built right on the shore, so why would they be inland now? Probably because the sea level has done the opposite of rise over the last 300 years. Ice caps were getting bigger, and only starting to break now.

    Yes, we would do better to stop polluting, but often times the answer is worse than the question.

    Our recent attempt to extract fuel from corn has proven retarded, at best. It takes a months worth of corn to make enough fuel to fill a gas tank. So, the price of corn goes up, etc. Fodd riots, people killing eatch other over bread recently. There is a reason why we've been using gasoline for the last 100 years. It is cost efficient beyond comparison.

    Even riding a bicycle is more wasteful. A fifteen minute commute in a car can take 45 minutes or more on a bike. Since you have to also drive home, that's another 45 minutes. Overall, an hour more in transit than you had to spend. You could have worked that extra hour and made hour's pay.

    Plus you now have to eat and drink more. A bottle of water, $1.25. Powerbar, $1. Loss of wages at min wage rate, $6.

    So you have effectively spent a minimum of $8.25 to save yourself $4 at the pump.

    Very easy math.

    Here's a link, lotsa science on it.


  5. The simplest thing to do is go here:

    and go through the references.  Since the IPCC will only cite references that support the idea mankind is affecting climate, ignoring all the other studies, by knowing which references the IPCC uses you can figure out all the ones that don't support the IPCC's position.  This is just about the rest of the literature.  

    For example, if the IPCC cites 500 papers in Journal of Climate over the period 1990-2006 and over that time the Journal of Climate published 2000 papers, there are 1500 right there you would be interested in.  

    My method is so simple you can't go wrong and the beauty is the IPCC did the work for you.  How sweet is that?

    happy to help!

  6. sure:  


  7. There are tons of them. You just never see them on TV.

    Excellent article on the "hockey stick" used by 3rd IPCC report

    Break down of errors by IPCC

    Very detailed report by the NIPCC

    Here are some sites which track the global warming stories. Most provide links to the source data.


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