
Help me find how to be a paramedic in Middle East outside the military.?

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I'm a 22yr old who is finishing up a Biology Bachelors degree. I really have been wanting to go to the Middle East since high school and be a medic. I have been looking it to courses to do that. The military is out of question for many different reasons. Please help; I haven't been able to find a "red cross" type organization that would pay (since I have to pay loan back and don't have money accumulated to live off of.) me to do such work. Everyone is asking for experienced volunteers and I can't do either, but I'm willing to give up my life until I'm 30 to go where ever and do what ever need to get done.




  1. Why?

  2. Maybe you could try 'Medecins Sans Frontieres' ('Doctors without borders') and see if they have a position for a trainee or someone like you, not fully trained, but willing to learn&gain the necessary experience. This is their international site:

  3. you can probably find a charity organization that eould let you, not in Iraq or Afganastan but in like some other area

  4. If you had a crushing injury from an industrial accident, or 3rd degree burns over 25% of your body from an oil rig explosion, or a tension pneumothorx from a stabbing, would you prefer to treated by an experienced, trained professional first respoder, or a college graduate with a lot of ambition?

    First you get the training, then you acquire the experience, then you get the jobs.  Most positions in the Middle East require a minimum of three years of full-time experience.  The salaries and  benefits are designed to attract professionals.

    See the site below as an example:

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