I am a teacher who works very hard (10-12 hrs/day). I am very dedicated to my job and to my students. I sponsor several clubs and work diligently to raise the standards of our students and our school system. I also deal with terrible problems at my workplace. We are REQUIRED to do extra work that we are not paid for, we are harassed by our principal on a daily basis (Comments on our weight, our economic status, and our appearance are very common. Allegations of insubordination are made on us for simply talking about our opinions among ourselves or even with our boss in the privacy of the office. We all are afraid to speak up because of getting fired - even those of us tenured are afraid life will be terrible if we speak up.). Some of the brave souls have gone to the board of education, but nothing ever seems to happen. Our principal has done so many things that he should have been fired over, but somehow, the system backs him. We are desperate!
I have talked to several teachers who are in a teachers union, and they say that things like this do not happen when you have a union. They talk about how much better it is, and how the employees have more say about things. I am so interested in moving forward in trying to get a union here, but I do not know the laws or even where to begin. I have a spotless record, so I think I am in a good position to work toward this. (It would seem strange for me to be fired when I have begun talking to a union at this point.)
Does anyone have any good contacts for me? Are there any national teachers unions around? Also I would like to hear comments for and against unions. I do not want to go blindly into something without being informed!
Thank you!