
Help me find my adopted daughter!?

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m looking for my adopted daughter DOB 03/04/1989 She was born in Bridgeton, NJ, but was adopted from an agency office out of Wynnewood, PA. I believe she is in PA..ANY help..ANYONEI feel really trapped because, I want to find her. It was an open adoption but as a birthmother I am not entitled to any info. She would have to contact them. I don't even know, if she knows she is adopted. Thanks

the adoption was open, the Birth parents were supposed to remain in contact with letters and pics through the agency. they never kept their end of the bargain. Now my daughter is 19, and I fear that she may not even know she is adopted

Also,they wont give me her parents names or her name, so i really have nothing to search for other than her DOB, and the fact that she was adopted.




  1. i just wanted to say ,i hope it works out and i think its a lovely thing that are doing,it will really make your daughter complete when she knows you want to meet her.its the best thing that could happen for both of you,i think you are incredibely courageous and decent for doing this.the registrar of births ,deaths and marriages bureau may be of help.good luck.i hope it goes really weel and im sure you will find her,as you sound strong and determined!

  2. I was adopted at the age of 5 but was always fully aware that I was adopted. I did take the step to find my parents and although my father was a complete alcoholic my mother's family has been terrific and so loving. I was also adopted by an amazing family so all around it worked out for me. My grandmother hired a private investigator just to find out where I was so she could know I was alright. If you go this route don't expect her to welcome you with open arms. You don't know if she knows and you don't know how she feels about being abandoned. Don't mess up her life and confuse her for you own selfish reasons. It sounds mean but I've been through it and I think if someone was willing and loving enough to take her in then they can decide whether or not to tell her. They are her mother and father. You simply gave birth to her. This doesn't entitle you to pry into her life. If it will give you peice of mind contact her family and express your concerns but do not go straight to her. Her family has the right to be the deciding factor. You should find out if she's alright for your own mind but then let it be if they want nothing more to come of it.

  3. leave it alone, don't bother her

  4. Leave her alone.

  5. Heres a couple sites that might help you out with your search.

      I was adopted at a young age and found my bio mom when I was sixteen but by then I was a ward of the state again.. so it was easier for me.

    Do you know if her name is still the same as it was when she was born (minus the last name)? You could try a people search or something with her bio name and see where that gets you.

      Here are a couple sites for you to check out

    google the words " locating adult biological children after adoption" and see what you come up with there too.


  6. Don't give up!

    File a waiver of consent to release your information through the agency she was surrendered to incase she comes looking for you.

    follow this link for more:

    good luck!

  7. That's terrible!

    I would suggest hiring a private investigator, and prying into the adoption agency where you left her. It might be expensive, but it would be worth it.

  8. you should still have paper work that you signed when she was adopted, right.. that will have the adoptive parents name on it. you might try there, look for them and then you might be able to find her...

    open adoption just mean that you get to know who the adoptive parents are going to be...

    This c**p they feed the girls about 'we'll keep in contact" if just bullsh*t to get the girls to make them think they will forever be in that child life..  MOST Of the time is only last a few months, then nothing and there really is nothing a birth mother can do about it..

  9. Contact OriginsUSA at  They should have information to help natural mothers in your situation.

    btw if the adoption was open, then why do you not have their names?  this is not an open adoption. someone lied to you to get your baby from you.

  10. Michelle:

    There are some adult adoptees that post here regularly with great resources on searching and reunions.  Keep this question open for awhile.  

    Best of luck and I hope you have a successful reunion with happiness for all involved.

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