
Help me find my hobby?

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I do have things that interest me, but i can't put them together into a hobby. Can you help? (im 17)

reading (especially Bible)


health tips

picking out presents

teaching in Sunday School

puppies and kittens

Wisconsin Dells :)


computer (i dream of starting a blog about something, thats why i want a hobby so badly)

listening to someone's problems

ice cream

peace and quiet

green tea :D

I tried to include both things and activities i kind of like. Please help me figure out my hobby!!




  1. Well, I personally find photography to be very gratifying.  You can incorporate many other interests...for example, I love nature and wildlife, so that's what I shoot. Also, if you like blogging and computers...unlimited possibilities for a photography blog and there's just no end to what you can do and learn in photo editing software.  

    The only downside can get a little spendy when you get into the more advanced equipment, but if you're interested, don't let that stop can get reasonable priced gear, even just try to do more with your point and shoot just to see if you'd like to go further with it.

  2. Here are a few links to look at. You could also visit your local public library and go to the hobby and craft section and just browse up and down the aisles . There is so much to do if you look for it. You could also start a collection, they have books on everything .

  3. Check in your area for volunteer organizations. For instance, I volunteered at a local hospital's craft group making tray favors for the patients and for an annual sale to donate to special needs for the hospital. (I had no craft skills when I joined the group.) The local animal shelters always need volunteers and many times need foster homes for the animals. Right now we are fostering 6 kittens that need to grow big enough to be adopted. They are so cute and funny and each has their own personality. Also, just walk through a craft or hobby store and you might find something that interests you as a hobby. Sounds like you would make a great mentor too. Maybe a local nursing home would absolutely love to have you as a volunteer or an employee.

  4. how about trying cross stitching. Its very relaxing, & stress free.

    Theres 2 kinds of cross stitching. Stamped, where teh pattern is already on the material your sewing, & you just sew over it, when all done, the pattern will wash out.

    Then there is counted cross stitching, where yo uhave to count the squares to sew, which is alot harder. 1 wrong move, & the whole pattern is messed up!

  5. How about volunteering at an animal shelter.  but that might interfere with the peace and quiet, but seems like something you would enjoy

  6. in my point of view... your hobbie is being a nice and kind to others....  which is so good!
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