
Help me find my moms dad's mystery death?

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My mom's dad died when she was only 2 years old. some people say they found him hanging on a tree, but my mom's uncle says, there were no signs on his neck that, that was how he died. but he did find bruises and swellings on the BACK of his neck as if someone hit him hard. my moms grandmother was very rich and had power with the government in that country, and did nothing to find out about her son's mystery death. my mom is now 33 and she feels sad that she doesn't know how her own father died,and she wants to contact him to know how he died, and she wants to talk to him for the first time. is there anyway she can do this? NO OUIJI BOARD!!!! and anything she can do at home? and something safe.




  1. omg im sorry well maybe if you still have pictures of where he died look fro close clues in their or sometimes you contact the dead i do with my friend caitlyn it really does work in anyway maybe try site ( click on the middle symbol pic when the site pops up) and maybe if your moms dad left a journal or something or a a enemy find that out. hoped this help and im sorry!  

  2. Ok , this is hard ,

    Your Mom can pray to whatever deity she follows to reveal his spirit in her dream .

    Your mom can meditate to clear her mind and try to find out what really happened .

    other than that , idk  

  3. I give you and your Mom my prayer's as to contacting the dead . I don't believe there is anyway. though allot of crooks are going to tell you they can contact your mom's dead father their not interested in helping your mom just in how much money they can steal from her. You say that he was in another country so there's probably no way you can find out, other than getting a good lawyer, but if the government is involved you'll never find out, other than a death bed confession of some one that was there when you Moms dad was killed. Let it go and be careful digging into thing's like this

  4. Why doesn't she get a copy of his death certificate?  She could probably find out if there was a police report filed regarding this.  If she really wants to delve deeply, it will take some time, but if she's committed to it, she should be able to do it.  Good luck!  

  5. I was just wondering why not ouija board

    if you tell me why I'll edit my post

  6. i have no clue!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Why dont u call him grandpa u idiot, HAHAHAHAHAHA, my mom's dad, HAHAHAHA.... Hey and it is pretty obvious, ur greatgandma killed him, or sent to kill him, she was wealthy and powerful, it was just like a soapopera or w/e u write it. And she didnt do anything about it so the facts pretty much point to her, oh well what u gonna do about it.

  8. I am sorry to have to tell you this. But there is no way that you can communicate with the dead... It just can not be done by humans.... And if human beings find themselves talking to a spirit... Then they can be sure that it is demonic know that a lot of people make a good living talking to the dead.... Where as the truth is they are talking with demonic spirits.... So save your money and just accept that if there are no files or witness available then the truth may never be found .... I am sorry but I have to tell you the truth.........

  9. Less mysticism , more forensics.

    If your mother is from a country like Argentina or Uruguay, the governments - which were once repressive have been much more open to investigations and otherwise have tolerated citizen groups investigating the causes and circumstances of the deaths of individuals.

    Perhaps you and your mother should see if there are any regional groups investigating any mass disappearances in the region and/or would be able to contact any of the officers/investigators that were involved in the original investigation - if there was any.

    This is not a fast process, my friend G, just found out how his brother was killed (in a particular massacre by machete in Rwanda in 1993), and it's more than 15 years later.

  10. OH PLZ this was some old thing that happened on my myspace as fake news and spam many yrs ago . people don't fall for this . if you have a bone to pick rate me best answer and rate this question 1 so u don't give me any points near enough and comment on your fault with me !!!

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