
Help me find my rat please!!!?

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ok somehow one of my rats got out of there cage so plz give good suggestions on how to find anything traps food even using my other rat anything i only have 2 rats so my 1 rat will get very lonely without him and i rly miss him alrdy and plz be serious




  1. Put  the cage or a cage down with food and water in it. Rats like to explore but when they get hungry, tired and thirsty, they will return to their cage. In addition, sit quietly and listen at various times in the day, especially when it starts to get late (when rats get active). You will likely hear him. Obviously be very careful about leaving windows and doors open - check for any routes of egress to ensure that your rat does not wander outside where a predator could get to him. Look under and behind everything. Rats like to get behind books in a book case, up under the sofa (may even chew a hole in the bottom covering and get in there.) Look around the house - you will likely find paper chewed and other evidence that your rat has been there. If the house is large and after all of these steps you have not found him, try sprinkling flour at the thresholds of doors to see what rooms he might be moving between.

    Good luck finding him!!

  2. My rat Houdini has escaped more times than I can count and I have found her everytime. Calm down and take a deep breath. Let me tell you that it is proven a rat will not leave there home(ur home) when they have food water and everything they need. Most rats dont get out of there cages to escape but to explore. Alot of favorites are behind refrigerators, behind and up in couches, behind entertainment stands. Rats have so many places in a house to hide. Try shaking some food in a cup and calling her. Then if that doesnt work try putting her cage down in the middle of the floor with her food and water in it and leave it there. You can also put something yummy  in for her to smell and come running. My girls favorite is lasagna. You will catch your rat dont worry. Eventually he will come out. And being the fact he isnt afraid of ppl maybe tonight when its dark out and late you will see him wandering around. Good luck.

  3. okay try looking in all small spaces behind a couch or under a bed try putting a almost empty peanut butter container so there is only a little on the side and put it on the side of the couch and leave it there for about a day and then check it record sounds of your other rat and play it all around your house. good luck!!!!

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