
Help me!!! first good anwer gets picked :)?

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Im gonna buy a motorcycle soon. Its not going to be brand new, but in VERY good condition. The problem is, that I live in a not so "safe" neighborhood. Meaning that If i have a nice shiny sports bike sitting in the parking space outside my apartment, its going to disappear or the kids outside are going to play on it and tear it up.

I dont have a backyard or a porch either.... Where would be a good place to put it so nothing would happen to it? Im actually thinking of keeping it inside my house lol. Maybe get rid of my weight set and just go to the gym to make room lol. Thanks everyone!




  1. once I owned a 2003 Suzuki DRZ400S and kept it inside my house during winter, this bike was lightweight and small enough to push and fit thru my front door, plus the ground clearance and suspension allowed me to ride it up a set of steep steps

  2. I would leave it in your house because of your "not so safe" neighbourhood. It's in good condition so better safe then sorry! (Y)

    Just put like a sheet over it so it doesn't stand out to much inside your house...

  3. I would keep it in my house. LOL my car has gotten stolen and stripped twice and this is in a so called "good" neighborhood.

    So yah, keep it in your house..or better yet your bedroom ^-^

  4. Keeping a 'bike' in your apartment is unwise.  Oil, mud, and other cruddy things can/will get on your carpet.  The chance of fire goes up dramatically with a bike in the house.  I'd look for a self storage facility nearby.

  5. in the apt. ride it in...or rent a garage and buy disc lock and chain locks as well...or consider spending some money for lo-jack system and alarm system

  6. Some people do keep bikes in their house!  Just make sure you put something under it in case it drips.  And don't run the engine in the house.

  7. the gas fumes would give you a headache after a while if you keep it in your house. I had that same problem and I rented a storage unit. 5X8 unit for $25 a month. I just locked my car up behind the gate at the storage lot and pulled the bike out. Lots of people do that. A 5X8 can fit two bikes so you may be able to share a unit if you have a riding buddy you trust.

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