
Help me fix my macro-monarch deck?

by  |  earlier

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So before I list everything, I don't know which monarchs to add, but other than that, please be as critical as you can.

Card Total: 42

Monsters: 20

3 - D.D. Survivor

3 - Banisher of the Radiance

2 - Gren Maju Da Eiza

2 - Exiled Force

2 - Caius the Shadow Monarch

2 - D.D. Assailant

1 - D.D. Warrior

1 - D.D. Warrior Lady

1 - Jinzo

1 - Banisher of the Light

1 - Golden Homunculus

1 - D.D. Scout Plane

Spells: 12

3 - Dimensional Fissure

1 - Lightning Vortex

1 - Mage Power

1 - Reinforcement of the Army

1 - Nobleman of Crossout

1 - Mystical Space Typhoon

1 - Brain Control

1 - Big Bang Shot

1 - Dark Core

1 - Gravekeeper's Servant

Traps: 10

3 - Sakuretsu Armor

2 - Macro Cosmos

2 - Bottomless Trap Hole

1 - A Hero Emerges

1 - Torrential Tribute

1 - Magic Drain




  1. 3 Caius

    1 Raiza

    1 Mobius

    1 Thestalos

    2 Cyber dragons

    3 dd Survivors

    2 dd Scout Planes

    1 dd Warrior Lady

    1 Snipe hunter

    1 Grand Mole

    2 Cyber Valleys

    1 Marshmallon

    1 Spirit reaper

    1 Morfhing Jar

    3 Dimensional fissure

    2 Reinforcment of the army

    1 Mystical Space Typhoon

    1 Heavy storm

    1 Nobleman

    2 Allure of darkness

    1 Lighting Vortrex

    1 Brain control

    2 Macro cosmos

    2 Solemn Judgment

    1 Bottomless

    1 Mirror Force

    1 Torrential Tribute

  2. Ah, my old Macro Monarch build.... Takes me back lol. Well, I would get 3 Caius, 3 Mobius, 2 Zaborg, and 1 Raiza to add for the monarchs. Take out the A hero Emerges, Magic Drain, Gravekeepers Servant, Dark Core, Big Bang Shot, Mage Power, Homunculus, Banisher, Assaliant, Exiled and Gren for:

    1 Caius

    3 Mobius

    2 Zaborg

    1 Raiza

    1 Macro

    1 Lightning Vortex

    1 Reinforcements

    2 Scout Planes

    And there you go. Youll have a tourny ready Macro Monarch (PS: This is my build but you have Jinzo. I also won a few hobby with this deck too).

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