
Help me get a summer job

by  |  earlier

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ok i go back to uni mid way through sept but i have no job and no money and really need to make some money b4 i go bk to uni but i cnt get a proper job for such a short time any one know of any good ways? ive signed up to a caterin company to do waitressing but havnt heard back yet, so anyone got any genius ideas would be much appreciated




  1. The fastest are applying to grocery stores, fast food restaurants, and video rental stores... Just don't tell them that it's just a summer job though because they would rather hire someone who will stick there for a while.. Although you'll be leaving on September, there's no need to tell them that..  

  2. Well if you like video games like me you should work at gamestop or something like that or if you like clothes work at something like macys  or something so you can get discounts or something so pick a job whatever you like and most likely get discounts well i hope this gave you some ideas

  3. You don't have to tell the employer you plan on leaving after a month and a half, so any place that has a moderately high turnover rate is likely to hire quickly so you can begin putting in hours.

    Check with local temp agencies, too. They are another effective way to do a variety of short-term work, ranging from a single day to a couple weeks, and you wont have to deal with the sticky issue of quitting since your positions are temporary.


  4. try working at some type of stadium:baseball,foot ball etc. that's what i'm doing!!

  5. fast food resturants

    retail stores

    check creiglist job listings

    and newspaper

  6. spell check

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