
Help me get him..he thinks he's being funny!?

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We drew names for Christmas this past weekend and of course we ended up with my brother in laws name. On each of our lists we put a few ideas to help the buyers shop and with a limit of 40 dollars each usually everyone gets something nice. Well my brother in law being the sarcastic guy he is put "peace on earth and good will to men" for his idea. So i have now till dec to think of something to get him....i want something hilarious...that will make him think twice next time he tries to be "funny" Help!




  1. Give him a bucket of dirt with peas on the top of  it.

    Write on bucket "Peas on Earth"

    he ought to get a chuckle out of it.

    For "Good will to men"  Get him a Book on how to write his own will (or a CD).  You can also buy legal forms from somewhere like Office Depot or Staples.

    Wrap it up in a nice scroll and write "Good wills for men"

  2. Lol buy him a Good Will giftcard! Hhaha "Good will to men" Yeah idk. Sounded better in my head. Just take his "humor" literally :P

  3. Maybe he just didn't know what he should ask for.  Don't turn Christmas into a gag gift giving occasion.  Just buy him something nice that you think he would like and use part of the money you're supposed to spend on him to buy a gift for a child in need...make a coupon that says "A gift for a child has been given in your name...Peace on Earth Good Will Toward Men."

  4. Get him a book on caveman, they didn't hurt the earth and they were in charge back then, add to it a tape of water falls and music of peace, tell him he can read his book and listen to his waterfall music and call it a day! LOL!

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