
Help me get it please. what is blogging and can you make money at it?

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What is better writing articles for payment or blogging?




  1. First ask yourself some questions: How well do you write? Text messaging short cuts and sloppy research habits won't work as a professional freelance writer.

    Can you make money as a blogger? Yes with work and time. It takes finding a target market of people interested in what you write about, getting tons of traffic and all the things you'd do for any business.  Are you willing to do this?  It isn't quick money by any means, even if you only promote affiliate programs.


  2. helps you through the process of making money from blogging

  3. get a real job

  4. The following are some good site I found about Blogging for money or Paid Blogging:

    The first site I want to talk about is Blogging to the Bank 2.0 this site is all about learning the tricks of blogging in a way anyone can understand this information was produced by a drop out who now makes a lot of money blogging.

    The second site is Exploit The Power Of Blogs For Free Targeted Traffic. This is Powerful and Advanced New Software Sends You Boat Loads Of Free Laser-Targeted Traffic, Hundreds Of Relevant Backlinks, And A Raging Torrent Of Search Engine Spiders To Any Page You Want!


    The third site I'll talk a little about is Secret Blog Weapon. This site is all about blog Training From One Of The Worlds Top Bloggers. Generate Traffic And Income To Your Blog Today! 50% Commission On 6 Month Member. High $ Value.


    I hope this information is helpful, also I would check out clickbank as a start. And as for me I would choose blogging think it can make more money. Do your research and be informed.

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