
Help me get pregnant

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My boyfriend and i have been together for 3 years and we've recently decided that we want to have a child together. Does any one have any tricks or tips that i could use to help get pregnant fast. Without too many failed attempts




  1. You can chart your ovulation and all of that stuff but it can be very frustrating. From what my doctor has said, a  sure way to get pregnant is to have s*x every other day as soon as your period ends until the next period or a bfp comes up.

  2. Well you can first start out by having a incredibly romantic peaceful night at home and have dinner and light candles and make love like you usually would, dont force anything or get freaked out..just do everything normaly and carefree, have him get off inside you and go about your day..dont worry or get stressed....wait to see if you have missed your period if it again. Oh and you should do this in between 2 weeks after your period, 2 weeks before your next period. I believe thats when you are most fertile. Good Luck!

  3. Have s*x and don't use birth control.

    I am pregnant with my second child and that's how both of my babies were conceived

  4. Wait until you are married!

  5. Start taking prenatal vitamins and just have s*x all the time. The key is to enjoy it because I think stressing will actually help to prevent it. If you go another month and nothing happens, just go to the doctor to make sure that both of you are able to have a child. If everything is fine then the doc will help you to figure out when you are ovulating.

  6. It can happen straight away for you or it may take a few shots - it really is all down to nature and your body! Each woman is different and will have different experiences to tell you. My first tip would be for you to prepare your body as much as you can before you decide to conceive. This will mean taking a pre-natal vitamin right away, starting now and all the way through pregnancy and even breastfeeding. This will set you up with all of the key nutrients and vitamins you need to nurture a baby. Next - check up on your lifestyles. Both you and your boyfriend should quit smoking and drinking if this applies and also watch your diet - eat now as if you are pregnant to give baby the best start in life! Also, exercise and plenty of water helps - 8 glasses a day [this will also help to increase your fertile cervical mucus, essential for conceiving a baby].  

    Try to get a good idea of your own cycle. Counting your first day of bleeding as day one, count until the first day of bleeding in the next cycle - this will be your cycle length and can be anywhere in between 20 - 40 days on average. You should be most fertile 14 days before the END ...of your cycle. For a 28-day one, this will be day 14. For a 30 day one, day 16 etc. Note changes in your cervical mucus to help you pinpoint the best times for s*x. Have your bf wear loose and cool boxers to help boost his sperm count and only try to babydance once every 2 days to maintain its strength and quality. Only the best swimmers make it!!


    Cervical Fluid is the mucus that is secreted from the cervix. It is produced by the hormone est rogen in the first phase (follicular phase) of a monthly cycle. Fertile Cervical Fluid is necessary for conception. It helps keep sperm alive for up to five days. It also protects the sperm from the acidity in the v****a. It assists the sperm in swimming up to the fallopian tube so fertilization can take place.

    The last day on which fertile Egg White Consistency Cervical Mucus (EWCM) is observed is considered your day of "peak fertility".

    Stage 1: Lasting 2 - 3 days CM is Sticky or Gummy (S)

    Stage 2: Lasting 2- 4 days: CM is Creamy, Milky, Lotion Like - Beginning of your fertile period (C)

    Stage 3: Lasting 1-5 days: Egg white Cervical Fluid - At this time you are very fertile. (E)

    Stage 4: Dry, Moist or Sticky (Infertile)

    Peak fertile cervical mucus is thin and stretchy. After ovulation, progesterone abruptly suppresses the peak mucus and the mucus pattern continues with sticky mucus for a day or two, and then returns to dryness.

    Egg White Cervical Fluid

    How Long do you have it: Typically women in their mid twenties have it for approximately 5 days, by mid-thirties, only 1-2 days, but this is not the rule. Many women have several days of EWCM late into their thirties.

    Look and Feel: The Cervical Mucus will look and have the consistency of egg whites. It is slippery to the touch and if pulled between the fingertips will stretch 1 - 10 inches.

    Hope the above snippet of info helps you out. You CAN...try charting your temperatures and noting the peak - this is supposed to happen after you ovulate so you will know its taken place. You can also use predictor kits [OPKs] to detect when the LH [Lutenising hormone] is at its highest point and therefore, tells you 2 days in advance when the best time to have s*x is.

    Above all - have fun with it! It might be nice to relax and let nature run its course for a while. :] Good luck!  

  7. i got pregnant on birth control... just have s*x and enjoy it... and dont use any type of protection.. but make sure you are both std free because that could cause problems to your baby if he or you did have something... it was very easy for me to get pregnant... my doctor said my boyfriend must be really potent. hhaha
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