
Help me get to italy?

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my dream is to travel all of europe but especially italy. i work a full time job and basically live paycheck to paycheck with my boyfriend. i want to just pack up and go (wishful thinking) but i dont have the guts when it comes down to it. our lease is up in 2 months and i am considering going then. that way i have no real obligations back home, other than my job which i am the manager and should be able to get the time off maybe not much but i dont care if im only there for 2 days i just want to go!!! what is the cheapest way to get there and travel there? its not fair that only the rich get to see the world and the rest of us get to work to pay for them to go. :*(




  1. Ciao promiscuous_makes_an_e...,

    Travel (Italy) on a shoe string budget is easy. 1st thing to do is to get across the pond. You' have to surf for the best air rates. The best rates I've seen NY/Venice for June for example is about $700.00 but I'm sure you can find better rates in October or even January. You may be able to fly in at about 500 bucks r/t.

    You'll of course want to fly to Rome where you find a wide range of places & prices of hotels. You should be able to get a place for about 50 to 80 Euro a day ($65.00 to 105.00).

    This should include a breakfast which means you'll have to pay for two meals a day during your stay. Oh, don't forget to put a piece of breakfast bread or two and a jam packet or Nutella packet in your bag for your midday snack!

    Eating on a tight budget means you'll have to shop at the local supermarkets for bread, cold cuts, wine (you'll be floored by the choice and low cost of good wines in Italian supermarkets), cheese, olives. I'd say about Euro 15.00 a day. Do budget yourself to have a final night out in a resturaunt.

    You have to pay to get into museums and art shows and this may be another 10 to 20 bucks a day.

    Transportation (the subway) costs about a $1.30 a pop.

    I think you should be able to stay in Rome for 5 to 7 days for about $1,500.00. This doesn't sound like too much to make a dream come true.

    Oh, one last thing to mention - I've heard that there are courier companies that often need people to hand deliver (all honest stuff I’m talking about) things worldwide. Surf around and see what you can come up with.

  2. to get to italy you have to take the plane..the cheapest company are those called low cost (if you are from a european country you can take for example rhyan air or easy jet)..another cheap way is to take a last minute (but in that case you have to be allways ready to leave..because you know a few days before you leave that you have to leave)..when you arrive in italy the best way to travel here is by using the car (anyway when you use our highways you have to pay..if i remeber well the cost is about two euros)...try to sleep in youth hostell they are the cheapest..

  3. Not fair at all.

  4. since when do the rich get paid by the poor, the rich worked for their money(in most cases) either they went to college and got a good job, or they had agreat idea, but others inherit their money, and who is to blame? GOD??? if there is one you should blame him cause he suposedly chose the family you'll be in.  also the rich who own the McDonalds that you work at?  should they pay you more so you can travel europe whether it's your dream or not.   you probably don't deserve to be paid more than you are being paid now, in fact I'm willing to bet you're being overpaid. it's your life and you're the one who screwed it up, not anyone else. it's your fault you can't afford to go to europe, don't push the blame off on other people..     and no I'm not some little rich kid if you were wondering, I'm a dirt poor college student barely scraping by so don't give my your bullshit

  5. Look for work there, or investigate work on airplanes, cruise ships...
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