
Help me guy trouble!?

by  |  earlier

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There's this guy I like, he's really cute and I think he likes me. He's always staring at me and flirting and trying to make me jeolous by talking to my friends (sometimes). I have two questions 1. Does he like me? 2. What should I do about it.

I like him alot but I'm taller than him by at least 4 inches. Please help me here, I don't know what to do I'm in 6th grade.




  1. Tell him to be your Bf and stuff. Ask for date.

  2. 1) sure he does.

    2) Ask him out. He would be pleasantly surprise nonetheless glad that u had asked.

    Height? as long as both of u enjoy each other and not your heights..i guess its not an issue than.

    Good luck!

  3. 1. He does not like you. I guess that takes care of 2.

    I think he's flirting with you to make your friends jealous.

  4. you have plenty of time to worry about boys.  concentrate on going to school
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