
Help me heal my blisters, please?

by  |  earlier

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I got a blister (many, actually) from walking about 40 blocks in heels last night. It's the first time that I've gotten a blister, and I don't know what to do about it. As of now, I have Band-Aids with Neosporin covering them. What else do I need to do?




  1. blisters heal in their own time, dont bother it. It will go away in less than a week, just keep lots of pressure off of it

  2. keep the blisters covered with band-aids, put polysporne on them to help keep out infection



  3. well, what i do is  i put a band aid on it and if it hurts, put ice on it. it helps. well sorry thats all i can help you with.

    feel better!!!!

  4. I have one on my little toe from walking in heels last week.  Although, it does not hurt any more, it is still just sitting there, but no worries, I have gotten them before and they will go away shortly.  

  5. You are actually doing the right thing covering them to protect the area from further friction. The neosporin is not needed unless they are infected, but will not hurt anything. Just keep the area free of friction and they will go away. Saltwater soaks are helpful.

  6. You can try dipping your feet in icy water to soothe the sore-ness or go to your local pharmacy to purchase a pack of lotion or something to apply onto your blister.

    Hope this works! =D

    And to the answer above me 'Kate' reminded me of something, remember to avoid putting pressure on your feet (eg. running) it will aggravate the injury.

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