
Help me hear music :)?

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How can I connect my laptop to my new digital home theater?

My laptop is an ACER Aspire 5100 and the digital home theater is an E-Boda R20. I also have a DVD player form E-BODA. How can I link them together? Thanks!




  1. Since the cable you purchase to connect the laptop to the home theater is a stereo cable (meaning there are only two channels of audio), then only two channels of audio will appear on the EBoda side of things- thus the other speakers will not have anything coming out of them.

    I don't know anything about Eboda and from a cursory google search everything turned up in spanish, but from home theater receivers in general, if they have a dolby prologic setting on them that will extrapolate 5.1 channels of sound from a stereo source, then this is the setting you have to set your eboda to. Alternatively, you can set it to a 5-channel stereo setting that will also output sound to all of your speakers from a stereo source, albeit not in a true surround sound mode (meaning dialogue won't be on the center channel, but will be on ALL channels-- which is kinda distracting to listen to).

  2. Get one of these and hook your computer up to your stereo:
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