
Help me help me! opinions please??

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hai all. i just need some opinions and any advises are appreciated as well. thanks in advance. im 23,5'11/180cm and weight 170lbs/77kg and i can do 60 diamond pushups in a row. full range of motion. all the way down all the way up. 60 diamond pushups in a row. what do u think of that? anyone my size that can do more? just share. thanks.




  1. Gum Drops

  2. that will get u nowhere in life if u dont know how to use that

  3. Gummy Bears

  4. I can do 1000 one handed, and probably 5000 diamond push....are you for real!!!!  

  5. I have seen a man do over 9000 diamond pushups in a row.

  6. Thats not a question ur just a bragging jackass...

  7. hmm.....60 diamond are da' shut up and meet me in the hole and see how strong you are....

    and I'm supposed to be impressed why??  

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