i am 23 years old and have made a ton of bad choices up until now... in august of last year i moved in with my grandmother and i had $45,000 of debt. my grandmother is not charging me for rent or utilities between august '07 and june '08 i have paid down my debt to about $33,000 and have had practically no social life! i am burnt out and cant do it anymore. i make about $50,000 a year and am trying to go back to school but do not want to borrow money from anyone ever again! i bring home about $2,000 a month and my bills add up to about $1,500 a month... any advice for me to get a life outside of work while paying off the remainder or the debt A.S.A.P? i have a truck worth about $6,800 that i owe $5,400 on, and 2 motorcycles both worth $4,500 a piece and i owe $4,200 on one and $8,000 on the other... i have 2 because i put one in my name for a friend who stopped paying and i took it back...(one of many bad ideas) and i cant sell any of the vehicle until they are paid off... HELP!!