
Help me here.?

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okay i want to be in sports.

i love volley ball. but im not the best at it.

my arms are to weak.

what are some good ways to get my arms stornger.

[im only 14]




  1. lift weights

  2. check out velocity its a running program that would get you in shape and toned for volleyball or any sport and they do weightlifting also and its pretty intense so if your serious about sports then i would definatley check it out you can have a free trial lesson at least i think they still do that so i would check in to it

  3. lots of pushups :)

    and yeah, since your 14 (like me!) you could try like a weightlifting program.. idk they do them sometimes at school.

    that will get your arms stronger in general.

    but if you have a volleyball, take it outside and practice with it.

    try just bumping/setting it at first and once you get good, try hitting/spiking and serving.

    good luckk :)

  4. push ups will help but u need to do a variety of them to work the muscles u will use during the game. try the standard push up(hands shoulder width apart), triangle( put your thumbs and index fingers together in front of your chest forming a triangle, and tricep push ups( hands in front of your shoulders and keep your elbows by  your side as you go down and up).

    the last two will really burn after you start doing a few of them but you will love it when they help your spiking power.

    do dips to help your shoulder. sit at the end of a chair/ bench w/ legs straight out in front of you. w/ hands on the edge of the chair hold yourself up w/ your arms and slightly move your body forward to clear the chair. bend your elbows and lower your buttocks towards the floor until elbows are @ 90degrees and return to up position. repeat for 10 count.

    good luck w/ your training.
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