
Help me! how do you get an agent!?

by  |  earlier

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I have wanted to be an actress longer then i can remeber.

i have been to a few Additions and gotten call backs but i don't go far with out an agent!

please help!

by the way i am 14 in two months :]





  1. Contact the ATA, the Association of Talent Agents, at the following link.   Go to this link and then scroll down and click on "Find an Actor's Agent."


    Also visit the website of the Screen Actors Guild for further info, at this link:



    In addition, to find other sources, do a search on the internet using "actors agents" or "theatrical agents" as your search term.   Also see the Wikipedia article (below, under sources) for some other info that may be helpful.  Be careful, there are some scammers out there, but you have to keep trying.  Good luck.


  2. The best way to get an agent is to apply to a talent agency. For example, bigfishtalent is the biggest/best talent agency in CO. If you type in 'talent agencies' in google and add your state, you'll find a company that may be willing to give you an agent in no time! But the screening process is rigorous, and you may or may not be chosen, so choose a few agencies you like and put your best foot forward! Good Luck!

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