
Help me. i'm so screwed?

by  |  earlier

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i've wanted to go to yale my whole life. but i completly screwed up my sophmore year.

i had all a's and b's freshman year though

if i make all a's junior and senior year will that help me get in..a little. or will i be doomed for a community college the next 4 years




  1. You're fine, you definitely have time to rebound. But remember, Yale is not the end all, be all decision of your life. Perhaps, you could stray away from the stigma of attending an Ivy League school and find yourself enjoying life on the West Coast or Midwest. Chill, relax, and enjoy what you're doing not what you're "supposed" to be doing.

  2. yeah you should be fine.

    remember to keep all your concentration on school work and kissing *** so you can get recomendation letters.

    they don't look at all four years, they really look at highschool as a whole anyway. Just keep school the only thing in mind.

    SAT and ACT tests are crucial. take it a lot and study hard or else you will end up like me, and that is a very bad thing.

  3. definitely if you make all As and Bs your junior and senior year.....girlie nothing is impossible alright :)

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