
Help me i am scared to death?

by  |  earlier

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okay you know those things were they say like post this 10 times if you don't you will die or stuff like that




  1. y am i not surprised a jonas bros. fan would be scared of something so dumb?

  2. LOL, if you believe them, you need to get off the computer and stay off It might just blow up too.

  3. their ridiculous just like you for believing them

  4. You're scared of those? Trust me, they're 100% fake. Nothing to be scared of:]

  5. thats not true its just someone who made up that **** to scare ppl cuz they have no life.

  6. i read those things maybe i dunnu..... maybe


    but am i dead now i read one about 2 weks ago and nothin happened

    u should report that guy that sends u those things they did scare me and i got scared wen i read ur question but tthats okay u will be better later just relax dude umm plz tell me how old r u plz send me an email will u

  7. please don't worry about that is just junk don't re post I do not unless it's a prayer request.You will be fine I never re post them .

  8. You just follow the instructions. you never know

  9. Don't worry about it. I used to rip up chan mail, and if friends were worried I used to tell them to send it all to me and rip that up as well. I'm still here, and doing very well for myself.

  10. thoes are jsut plain out stupid dont listen to them!!!!!!!

  11. Yep, I would have died years ago too.  Of course you can send it off ten times.- to the person who sent it to you.  They probably will not do it again.

    EDIT - I can remember my mother getting a chain letter in the mail and that would have been around 1956.  These things have been around a long time, ever since there was a postal service.

  12. no worries, those are just bored people that are trying to entertain themselves. i get those sometimes and a delete them, and i am still living.  

  13. Heh, i've been getting those for years and have never had any karmic mishap occur in my life by ignoring them. Don't sweat it  

  14. please dont believe it!!! it is so fake you wont die

  15. try to send it if you cant don't worry.

  16. its just a S****y chain message/email don't bother sending it to other people and block/delete that message

  17. Of course, i am being spammed all the time with that kind of rubbish :)

  18. they stupid, and pointless

  19. it's called "chain mail" which is basically like spam mail and depending where you do it, its against some sites terms of use.

    you're not going to die, I've ignored them for over a year now and I'm happy as a clam. oh look, I'm also not dead and neither is my mom and a clown hasn't came to my bed and skinned me alive.

  20. OMG! Those things are not real.Just delete them.I promise you will not die.

  21. In e-mail chain letters:

    •  Threats of bad things happening are not true.

    •  Promises of good things happening are not true.

    I send this out annually, at every New Year's Eve:


    To all my friends and relatives that in the last year

    that sent me best 'wishes', chain letters, 'angel' letters

    or other promises of good luck if I forwarded something:


    For this year, could you please just send: money, BEER,

    chocolate, gasoline vouchers and airline tickets instead?

  22. Yeah sometimes those things get to me too, lol. Just remember, its just spam and some idiot was REALLY pathetic and bored to have made them.

  23. well one day you have to

  24. Wow, those aren't real.  Grow up a little.

    If they were real I would have died hundreds of times already.

  25. Wow I can't believe it I have finally met someone who actually believed in those things. Let me take the time to be ashamed at how some people think. But excuse me if I sound oh so rude I just can't believe that someone would believe that at 3 A.M. a scary dead man would come in your room and kill you if you didn't re-post the bulletin.

    Lets grow up some. Please?

  26. Man, I'd like to round up every person whoever started sending out those stupid email chain letters, etc. and sent them to Guantanamo Bay. What a waste of great technology! The worse one I ever got threatened me that I'd get my husband back if I didn't comply. Thank God, I deleted it. I haven't seen him in days. I miss my dog though.

  27. oh my ITS NOT REAL im telling you i was a little scvared the first time i saw them. i knew there was no chance of it being real. i have seen 40+ of the chain mails. im still alive and healthy. that isnt real neither is this bloddy mary thing. only the alcoholic drink is real dont believe them. rip it p throw it out or delete it. youll be fine

    best of luck


  28. No they are true! I really did get rape by a ghost in my sleep! so send as many as you can! do it before you die!!!!

    oh look she is getting mad! like we can take that question serious!

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