
Help me i cant stop eating! is this unhealthy?

by  |  earlier

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I'm 17, 8 and a half stones and my problem is that i can't stop eating! for the past 3/4 years iv had at least three choclates everyday (sometimes more) and lots of packets of crisps, biscuits and chicken burger meals (and more). However this has not affected my health, or my weight and or my skin, as a matter of fact i havent had a spot or pimple for years. I want to know whether this kind of food is actually healthy for me because if it isnt affecting me in a negative way then surely i can continue this eating lifestyle? If not, then how do i stop myself from eating so much!




  1. no matter how you look at it that isnt healthy.  just cause you havent gained weight doesnt mean that food isnt bad for you.  and most of why it doesnt affect you is probably your age and metabolism but the older you get and keep eating that way then the fatter you will get.  

    i would suggest you start with one thing and take it out of you eating it every day like soda.  and then you can have it like maybe once a month or so and when you sccomplish this for a while then take something else out and replace it with veggies and fruit.

  2. You say this food isn't affecting ur appearance and even if it did that's okay but I'm somewhat the same way I'm skinny but I eat a lot everyone in my family is big and I feel like I will be the same in time which is why I just exercise a lot jogging is good for you just get ur I pod and don't think about the fact that your exercising then go home and eat what u want just make sure u get some fruit and water in your system, god bless u.

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