
Help me i get really nervous public speaking?

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hey guys,

when i am asked to get up infront of the class at school to say a few words or when we have to make a speech i get really nervious i start to shake i get REALLY bad stomach akes and when i say bad i mean BAD, and my voice will go all weird! and i know that public speaking is part of life and i will have to do it alot in my life but i would just like some tips to calm me down and help me!





  1. This could help:

  2. Try doing some vocal warm ups before your a bath- room or something.  Try shaking out all the some deep breathing exercises...but most importantly be prepared....overly prepared if necessary.  Best of luck to you!

  3. its a phobia ull get used to it i have that same problem

  4. Stay focused (Focusing on something while you speak can help) and ignore the fact that XX amount of people are staring at you and pretend you're reciting whatever you need to say alone if your room.

  5. hey friend, remeber when you speak , think that you're the most smart in the classes and no one know more than you  and they don't know what you know..

    that's is you will have confidence and you'll speak darely..

  6. What you need to establish is confidence in your public speaking . Easy said so. For that you need to master the content  of the topic of the speech. A good intonation and pronunciation. How do you develop that? Practice. But your knees, stomach and teeth are already making noise even if you think about it. Practice in steps. First prepare a speech any speech with a good interesting topic that has a duration of about 5 minutes. [Developing a feeling for how long a public speech will take is an important part of learning to speak in public] When you have that speech thoroughly prepared [a good content, having it read loud a couple of times, verified that your pronunciation and diction sounds acceptable] you start with your first audience = the dog, the cat and a voice recorder. [No people allowed ] Make your speech and listen back. Make the necessary changes, where you feel you need to and do it again [same audience, they never get tired of listening to you :-)] Now listen to one  public speaker that you like and compare the way he/she is speaking and the way you do it. Look at the body language,. Listen to the tempo and to the intonation, the pauses and variations in their speech.  Now start imitating with your own speech. If possible go from audio to video recording. Now make a list with important pointers to  look for in a public speech. When you feel fine invite your first live audience. Of course that will be members of your family. Give them the list with the pointers. And ask them to score your speech and give advice about what they think that can be better. Accept all critic and DO NOT discuss or defend. Well I think you get the idea on how to learn this process by making baby steps progress. Find new audiences.  Prepare different topics and practice. Tell yourself that you should not expect from yourself that you are a perfect public speaker. That is What you are working on to become.  

    Also put    public speaking    in your browser and you get millions of sites with information, tips, tricks and techniques. Pick and choose what works for you and did I already  mention    PREPARE  and   PRACTICE

    some pages to start with:

  7. Breathe in, breathe out. That's simple...

  8. i get a bit like that tooo....its common...dont worry

  9. Practical help for Speech Presentations


    Public speaking do's and don't's

  10. it's just anxiety. you could get medication for it if you really wanted to

  11. 1 word - Alcohol.

  12. Same problem here, i am quite an excellent speaker but i get really shakey. This is pretty much natural for some people. Try getting some people over, your family and try doing your speech to them. Also the more you practice the more you will not be soo nervous..

    When you are at school, think that EVERYONE is going through this too. Cause its not just you. think how relived you will be afterwards.

  13. eat a banana about ten minutes before you go on, there is a chemical that slows your adrenaline so you wont freak out so much.  

    you have to talk your way through the pain. make sure the firszt few minutes of your speaking is entertaining and crowd pleasing once you know they like you you have no reason to be scared so try to personalize it if you are at a college make fun of thier rival or if you are at a buisness drop hints of how you use their product everyday or something just little things to get them to like you.

  14. Just pretend there all your friends.

  15. Just really understand what your about to say so you can say it from your heart and not memorize it word for word. And just imagine yourself naked... or was it the audience naked. whatever

  16. I used to have the same problem.  What helped was going to the speech early and having everything ready and laid out for me and taking the time to read my main points one last time.  Then as people begin to file in, I like to stand in the front where I can see them and get comfortable standing up there before I start.  Also, keep in mind that everyone wants to see you suceed in that room.  They are all rooting for you, as you probably do your clasmates.  You'll do great.

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