
Help me i got a wierd bug bite?

by  |  earlier

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yester day i was outside for a while and i though i got bit by a mosquto bcuz it was inching and a bit swollen but wen i woke up this morning it was huge and some clear guey stuff keeps coming out of it so a put a bandige on it is it a mosquto or sumthing else




  1. I had one before, but mine was a spider! I went to the docs ans he pushed on it and he said since it didnt hurt it wasnt affected but to keep the area clean and it should go down soon

  2. You might have a stinger in it and it's infecting it. Also, if red gets around the bite, go to the doctor asap and get a Lyme's test. Might of been bit by a deer tick which you have to catch right away.  

  3. That happened to me but mine was a boil. I went to the doctor and they drained all the guey stuff out of it. And it was gone in a week. So I would suggest that you go see a doctor.

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