
Help me!! i... have problems but i don't want to stop. please answer because i know its harmful!

by  |  earlier

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im 13 years old and i like to cut. help. i don't want to stop but i just like it but i know its bad. i dont know why but its just when i get really mad i take a knife and cut my arm with it lightly again and again untill it starts to bleed. as soon as i see blood i stop. i only have a few scars but its like im addicted to it now. i like it but im worried it will get out of hand. i feel depressed becasue of my mom... and no matter what i say she wont listen or be nicer. i read this thing about cutting and it says to fix what makes you cut but i cant get rid or move away from my mom and she WILL NOT be nicer or more considerate no matter what i do. help me?! i have been hiding and making up excuses for the scars... but i dont know how much longer i can hold out. what should i do"?!




  1. Tell her your cutting and bc the stress your under arguing w her. If that doesnt make her lighten up to help you, I dont know what else will.

  2. You need to see a psychologist right away.  Cutting is a sign that you want to feel emotions and that you haven't been nurtured correctly.  It gives you a sense of "feeling" something (the pain of cutting) because nothing else gives you that.  

  3. I give you alot of credit for looking for help.  I believe "cutters"cut in order to feel something because they have had to become numb do to what is going on around them.

    You didn't mention what's up with your mom...The cutting won't just stop it's something that you are going to need help with.  Most counselors at school are not educated on this subject.  Try a hospital in your town to see if they can tell you of a clinic that works with adolescents and have worked with this type of behavior.  In the mean time, anyone else in the house that you can spend time with, how about after school programs, church...anything - the library--keep a journal of your feeling  put these 3 things down..

    1.  what is happening before you cut yourself

    2.  the cut(s)

    3.  what happens after you cut yourself

    keep this and when you feel like cutting again look at what was already written, maybe you will find out a way on your own to stay away from those it to the Dr when you go for a physical or tell mom you need to see a dr.

    I truly wish I could be of help to you

    Read the Bible - Read Job

    God Bless

  4. Whenever you have the urge to cut, think: "d**n, these scars are really going to suck when I'm older, I wish I didn't do that stupid sh*t when I was younger."  

    Depression sucks, but we deal and move on.  Those scars will fade but will never completely go away.  Is it really worth it?  A reminder of how much everything sucks now?  It's not, trust me.

  5. you have to speak to your mom, if you sit down with her and talk to her about i think she'll understand after all she's your mom. your relationship will improve over time with her but the most important thing to do now is to tell your mom asap and try to resist cutting yourself again.

    hope you can get over your problem

  6. resist stay away from sharp object. I feel like that too around my mom, but I'm too much of a chicken to actually cut myself so instead I throw myself into art and music and let it all out there. Find a more productive way to take out your anger and pain and frustration.

  7. It sounds like you are having a hard time talking to your mom.  If you can, find another adult you can confide in, outside of your immediate family.  Is there a guidance counselor or social worker at your school?  You can also look for a local mental health organization in your community, most communities have one, and they often have specialists who work with people your age.  It will all be confidential.  This thing you are doing could be very difficult to control by yourself.

  8.   Try going to an older adult family member and discussing your problem about your mother and see if this person could somehow mediate and help your mother understand what you are going through.. Pray for God to help and guide you...

  9. just think to yourself that ur an emo freak and u don't want do be doing what ur doing. People will hate you for doing this and everyone will think ur a weirdo

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