
Help me ....i have to plan a party?

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please please give me some great ideas.....

its my grandpa's 75th birthday.......

i want to make it really special.......

please please please help me with the greatest ideas that go across your mind please...........




  1. back yard BBQ(if warm enough) or do a lasagna if its cold,or a pot luck where everyone brings a dish

  2. Gather old photographs and make a  great slide show.And in this party find out the people your grandpa has not seen for a long time.

    If he has a desease, be careful,do not make him so excited...Make cookies in home, do not buy.

    Play Frank Sinetra songs...

  3. What does your grandpa like to eat? make what he likes and he can eat because he could have a dietary issue or even tooth issue to where he cannot chew up certain foods very well. Does he have any friends in the area that can come? I would keep it pretty low key as most older adults do not like big deals made about their birthday's so make him feel as comfortable as possible with his favorite foods and surrounded by his friends and family

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