
Help me i need an answer.?

by  |  earlier

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I have two corn snakes, i think ones a girl an ones a boy. But i don't know, and when ever I look in the cage they are right next to each other. Are they boy and girl or are they just lonely?? And when I got them at the pet store they said its not right to mae/female them. So please help.




  1. Snakes do not get lonely.  They should not be housed together as this causes stress and can lead to illness.  They are together because they are competing for hiding places and heat.  They should not be bred until they are the correct age and weight.  An experienced reptile vet can probe them and let you know if they are male or female.

  2. corn snakes along wth lots of others(not all though) will huddle together for warmth but baed on that im sure there young so they wont breed just yet. but is you do want them to breed lower the tempeture in the terrarium by ten degrees(like spring temps 70 80 but none over or under) then wait and see but make sure that if u breed them you get them both tame and the babies tame if you plann on selling them.

  3. i'm sure it's okay if they mate. they also huddle for warmth.

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