
Help me i need help acting???

by  |  earlier

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i'm in middle school now 6th grade i want to become an actress and there is drama but i'm to scared to act in front of people.i'm always thinking that other people thing that i act to bad should i take it or no




  1. Personally I was a very shy person but when I found acting I fell in love.

    The reason because I don't have to be a shy guy I can be someone else, I can be someone besides me

    IF this is something you really want to do then I say go for it, but you have to get over your stage fright  

  2. i personally stated acting in 4th grade, but i can tell you you're first stage performance won't be your best. i had a small role in 4th, but if find a way to shine in it, you're directer will give you a bigger role in the next play.i went from just singing in a group, to a lot of lines.

    go for it!  rock their world! practice in front of mom or dad as a reliable source. besides, if its not your thing, you can always stay in it for the fun!

  3. then acting is not for you

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