
Help me i need help with somthing!!!!?

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how do i fake a leg/knee ingury fast!!!!





  1. Try limpin around. h**l I don't know. Why do u gotta fake an injury for? Say you had a tredmill accident. Ah h**l I still don't know. I hope someone comes up with a better answer than me.

  2. Say you accidently fell in the shower. Wrap an ace bandage around your knee, do a little limping, and when someone touches it scream! Happy faking!!

  3. make up a nice lie.. fell on the stair and twisted it the wrong way.  limp.  put an ace bandage on it.  have fun lol.

  4. I still think your SICK

  5. While your in the bathroom, make a loud thump, and make sure someone hears you.  Come out of the bathroom five minutes after, and limp a bit.  Wrap something over your knee and pretend its hurt, not too badly hurt so that someone takes you to the doctor, just enough to seem like it's real.  

    Either that, or fake an injury in P.E.  Trip yourself, or on something in the way and fall down (not too hard, you don't want to really hurt yourself!).  Limp for the rest of the day and when someone asks, say you fell in Gym.  

    Hope this helped!  Have fun!  :D

  6. haha you really shouldn't try faking it.. I tried faking spraining my wrist.. I banged it up against my friends porch thing, and I ended up really bruising it badly, (I didn't bang as hard as it might sound like) and had it wrapped in an aced bandage for like a week, and I STILL had to do gym (the whole reason why I tried faking it) because I had no doctors note.. but if you really want to..

    Limp, or bang it on something purposly (not too hard) repeatidly until it hurts just a teeny bit, not a lot, you should barely be able to feel pain, that's how little. at least till you get a bruise, to make it look more real, and wrap it up, and if someone touchs, say ouch out loud, and don't do to many things with it. like don't run, if you do, run slow, and limp while your running. and obviously don't play sports. that'll give you away quickly!

    Hoped I helped!

  7. When you do limp, remember which leg is the "bad" one.  If you get caught limping on the wrong one you'll get called out on it quickly!!

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