
Help me if you know anything about cameras or own one

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hi I'm leo i'm 13 and i want some good pictures for my myspace where can i get a good digital camera around 100 pounds that can do things like when you press the button it waits for 5 secs and then takes like 5 photos. so if u know where to get 1 please tell me




  1. чou can get a digital camera for 100 pounds and under at most places. Theч will all have the delaчed timer that чou are talking about. I got mine at this website

    I hope this helps чou♥

  2. my suggestion

    go to yahoo shopping

    digital cameras

    digital camera GUIDE

    be sure to check titles on the left side

    the guide should answer your questions  

  3. i dont know the conversion rate from pounds to dollars, but you can get good quality pictures with a nikon camera

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