
Help me in my Register marriage problem in india.?

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I am Indian guy from last some year I am loving one Indonesian girl now days she in India on travelling visa.

We want to marriage this month but we don’t know more about Indian rules of court marriage.

Please help us in this matter. Like which document she need explain me more in deep.




  1. Court marriage not necessary. You can marry at any place. You can apply for certificate of marriage.

  2. If you are majors, both of you can register your marriage in a

    sub registrar's office , location of which should be with in

    your residential area.  Get two known witnesses.

    Pay the required fee.

    You will get your marriage registered.

    You can apply for a certificate of marriage.

    It will be issued.

    Registration fee is negligible

    But you have to spend some money outside the

    registrar's office premises for drafting and filing

    your application. People are there to help you  

    dina 's  answer is elaborate

    I believe that would resolve  your question

  3. If one of the parties is a citizen of another country like Czech Republic or another country, the registrar may request a “no objection letter” from the Embassy or Consulate/High Commission of that country in India, and also may request proof of termination of any previous marriages, before a marriage certificate will be issued.If the parties are married in a Christian, Muslim, Parsi, Jewish, Baha’i or other religious ceremony, the certificate issued by the religious authority (e.g., the church’s marriage certificate, the mosque’s nikah nama, etc.) generally is sufficient proof of marriage, and no certificate from the marriage registrar is necessary.The four phrases - Marriage Solemnization, Marriage Registration, Court Marriage and Marriage Certificate – are different in its kind but inter-related as per Indian Laws governing marriages. Solemnization is being done in both – Normal marriage and also in Court Marriage. In normal marriage solemnization has been done by priest and elders in the family and in Court Marriage i.e. we generally call it as Register Marriage but by the conducting officer where we submit notice and furnishing the documentary proofs and forms stipulated for a court marriage. This marriage may be carried out by the Authority officially- just a formal one. In both cases Registration has been done as per our request by application – after the ceremony – But in Register marriages – it is easy after conducting/solemnization of the marriage – this certificate will be issued by the authority. But in normal marriage according to the acts/laws stipulated for different castes and religions – we have to apply for a certificate by producing documentary proofs of the marriage that has already been solemnized.

    The parties generally are required to wait at least 30 days from the date of initial application to formalize the marriage so that the marriage officer can publish a newspaper ad allowing for the opportunity for any objections to the marriage to be voiced.

    The Indian Special Marriage Act 1954- permits marriages between persons who are not of the same community or who have different religions or nationalities. The scope of the Act includes the entire territory of India and extends to intending spouses who are both Indian nationals living abroad. Parties who do not wish to marry in a religious ceremony can instead opt for a civil ceremony pursuant to the Indian Special Marriage Act.The marriage registrar’s office generally is located in a local community’s court complex or municipal building.Parties to the marriage must provide notice of their intention to solemnize the marriage before a marriage officer in the district where at least one of the parties has resided for at least 30 days prior to the notice. Notice of the intended marriage is entered into the Marriages Notice Book, which is open for public inspection with an inspection fee. The public has the right to object to the marriage for the following 30 days. Any objections must be investigated and resolved within an additional 30 days.Prior to the solemnization of the marriage, the parties and three witnesses must sign a declaration in front of a marriage officer, who will also sign the document. The marriage may be solemnized in any form that the parties wish to adopt as long as the solemnization occurs at the marriage officer's office or any place that the marriage officer sanctions. The marriage must include the exchange of the following statement: "I (name of self) take you (name of partner) to be my lawful (wife or husband)." After the solemnization, the marriage officer will enter the certificate in the Marriage Certificate Book. The parties and the three witnesses must sign the certificate. The entry of the certificate in the book is deemed conclusive evidence of a lawful marriage. hen the marriage has been solemnized the Marriage Officer shall enter a certificate thereof in the Form specified in the Fourth Schedule in a book to be kept by him for that purpose and to be called the Marriage Certificate Book and such certificate shall be signed by the parties to the marriage and the three witnesses. (2) On a certificate being entered in the Marriage Certificate Book by the Marriage Officer, the certificate shall be deemed to be conclusive evidence of the fact that a marriage under this Act has been solemnized and that all formalities respecting the signatures of witnesses have been complied with. Any marriage in India may be registered under this Act. The parties must jointly apply for the marriage registration. After 30 days of notice to the public, the marriage officer will enter the certificate into the Marriage Certificate Book. The spouses and three witnesses must sign the certificate.Before the marriage is solemnized the parties and three witnesses shall, in the presence of the Marriage Officer, sign a declaration in the Form specified in the Third Schedule to this Act, and the declaration shall be countersigned by the Marriage Officer.

    You can have a marriage ceremony any where else but if you want to register it in India then you have to conduct a ceremony here in India as to produce its proof before the registering authrotiy for issuance of Marriage Certificate. You can have a ceremony in her country but no need for registering it there if you have already made a ceremony here in India and also registered your marriage under any civil law of marriage here in India then you are entitled to receive a certificate to this effect.

  4. you  have to contact your  nearest town sub registrar.  a declaration  from  bride and bridegroom  that  they are not  minors  ...two  persons on behalf of  both  separately  has to sign  on the  three  months notice of solemnization  of marriage..only after completion  of  one month  after  notice you  can solamnize registered marriage

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