I dreamed that I was at my friend's house (she is a relatively new friend and we have just recently began hanging out outside of school but we're still pretty cool) and she was having a birthday party. We were all in her pool but it was pretty small, about the size of the decorative ponds that a lot of people have in their front yards. The pool had plants and fish and moss and all kinds of things in it. Then all of the sudden, her mom runs outside and demands that everyone get out of the pool so she could check for dead fish since people had died in their pool the week before because of dead fish. We all got out and there was one single dead fish floating on its side. We all thought that we were going to die because of it so we all crammed into a shower to get the fish off of us before we were contaminated. Then, her mom was offering to buy me new shoes so that I wouldn't be mad at her for almost killing me. I refused, telling her that I was fine but she insisted that she had extra money that month and that I should pick out a pair. What does all of this mean? I really appreciate any help! Thanks.