
Help me just got a new camera!?

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I just got a new camera a Sanyo VPC-E870. It does not show on the LCD screen the battery incidator, how can i know how much of the battery is left? and do i have to take the battery out of the camera and put it in the charger thing, or can i just stick the acdc plug directly into the camera. PLEASE HELP!

thanks so much!




  1. The battery does show on the LCD screen, and yes you take battery out of camera and use the charger. If you don't have a manual, get it here:

  2. Your camera owner's manual is your friend.  Sit down with the camera and the book and read and practice and read some more.  Somewhere in there it will tell about charging the battery, and also where the battery indicator is.  Good luck, and have fun with your new camera.

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