
Help me keep her awake during s*x!!?

by  |  earlier

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When me and my girlfriend have s*x, she snores, this upsets me, I tell her to stay awake, but she tells me to clean up when I am done.This is weird male me feel useless, or is this normal?




  1. ....ahem, umm as you might have already guessed she is not being satisfied properly....dont just jam it in or penetrate her, caress her body, kiss her (not just her lips all over), look into her eyes (hope this doesn't sound g*y...i read it somewhere)or you might wanna try some new positions (maybe the "woman on top" or standing up against the wall, there is a move where you can go behind and penetrate het v****a from there....that always works. WHOO!!) but, erm, or a different scenary could be helpful to...surprise her with some tricks ...hope i could be of some trying to get points here...check out this link

  2. Maybe she needs to see a doctor of some sort to figure out why she cant stay awake during s*x.  Tell her to go see her gyno first for help.  Thats just wrong!

  3. hahahahaha hers an idea... keep it interesting for her

  4. Try having s*x during the day or in the morning when she'll for sure be awake!!!???

    I'm sorry!

  5. Maybe there isn't a thing wrong with her. Maybe it's you :D. Sorry.

  6. Are you drugging her???

  7. This chick has no s*x drive. This is not normal! either she sees a doc about geeting it back or you find somebody else or take your business in the bathroom.

  8. wow that sucks. umm maybe she doesn`t feel anything. not to be mean, but i don`t know how any woman who`s getting d**k would fall asleep unless she isn`t feeling it. or maybe something`s wrong with her ? sorry.

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