
Help me learn to walk on my hands??

by  |  earlier

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I want to be able to walk on my hands. I've been doing push ups and practicing handstands daily for about 2 months now and I can balance on my hands pretty well,

(video: )

but how do i start to learn how to take steps? i'm not strong enough yet. what is a good exercise for me to be able to walk on my hands?





  1. just slowly move your hands forward

  2. To get the feeling of walking on your hands, do a handstand (use the wall for support) and pick up your hands to your shoulders one at a time, this will build your strength as well as give you the feeling of shifting your weight. When you begin to walk, expect to fall, it comes with practice. You should almost feel like you are 'chasing' your feet, meaning they lead and you follow. With time this feeling should become less apparent as you become stronger. It is easier to learn to walk with your legs in a stag position, but if you prefer straight than be sure not to arch your back as this is probably the most common mistakes. If you have any further questions feel free to contact me.

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