
Help me lose weight!!!!! please?

by Guest64770  |  earlier

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i am 14 and going into high school. i take dance but it doesnt help my weight. i run at the track sometimes and i can run 1/2 mile 'straight'. i weigh 140 and my bmi says that i am just OVER the line of overweight. and yes, i have a lot of stomach fat, but fat and thigh fat.. i love sweets but im good at staying away from them for the most part. i refuse to starve myself with like 600 calories a day but im up for calorie counting and exercise :]what should i do to lose it?




  1. You might try adding some monounsaturated fats into your diet.  I just read a book about how nuts, avocados, olives, vegetable oils and dark chocolate can help get rid of belly fat, especially the visceral fat (I think that's the term) which is the kind that contributes to diabetes and heart disease.  

    However, don't just depend on the BMI, it doesn't take into effect body composition or bone structure.  Try the Naval Circumference method, it generally gives a more accurate depiction; however, it's still not 100% accurate.

  2. I've just had the same sort of question answered by a few different personal trainers and the bottom line is that sugar is not good if you are trying to loose fat.

    I suggest you don't starve yourself - this will increase your bmi

    Instead try this:

    Have a healthy breakfast - say cereals (low in sugar) and fruits, even a toast as well

    Then have a snack of something healthy like low fat youghurt /low fat cheese

    For lunch have something like tuna with lettuce & tomato/ multi grain sandwich with fat-free chicken/ chicken or ham wrap etc

    Then have at least 2 snacks before dinner - some fruits/un salted peanuts/ glass of low fat milk

    Dinner make sure its early, so you dont go to sleep on a full stomach & dont have too much greasy food

    To burn that fatty stomach you should do some cardio excersice - 45 minutes per day for 3-4 days per week of walking/running/jogging/ bike

    this will burn off the excess fat, and dont worry just enjoy yourself

    while you do all this, your are young and you will see results quickly!

  3. Stop eating chips, soda, and candy. And always eat veggies with every meal. don't just run for exercise either try mixing up your work out.

    hang out with your friends more often too if you stay at home all day you eat more to cure boredom.

    and dont eat the fast food either. subway is okay as long as you dont get sodas or cookies..

    thats all i can think of

  4. Just modify your eating behavior. Junk foods should be avoided and fat free food alone should be taken. Regular exercise will be helpful to you a lot.

  5. I am a skinny person, but I do need to things to maintain my "figure," you could say. I do simple, little things to maintain my weight; and I think that they could help you, too.

    What I do is:

    Eat three, fairly-sized portioned meals a day. I always eat around the same time everyday also.

    Snacks....maybe once in a while. But, otherwise, I just eat fruit or a granola bar if I feel a bit hungry.

    I don't drink soda anymore. That may sound weird, but cutting off soda from my diet helped me lose a few pounds. I know a guy who plays football that eliminated soda from his diet--he lost 15 pounds in about 6 months (give or take a month).

    Running helps. It gets your heart pumping. It burns calories and the extra stamina you will develop makes you feel great.

    Keep yourself busy. I used to snack a lot when I was bored. So I find any and every activity I can do to keep myself from wandering to the pantry and snacking on unnecessary calories.

    Once again, these are just little things I do. It didn't help me lose an enormous amount of pounds in a short amount of time. It was a slow and gradual change--but it required little effort. All it took was a little change in my lifestyle.

    Hope I've helped you some.

  6. ahhh you have the same problem as me it's sad.. lol

    being on the line of overweight it just sucks

    Well, ok you should start by eating healthier you know like eating fruits, veggies, eat fish or chicken instead of meat, and drink water or milk instead of soda and stuff

    As for exercise I say doing about 50 crunches and 50 push ups a day

    and plus at least like a 30 min. walk or jog would do fine and of course the dance that you take and you should be able to lose weight quite fine

    and of course you have to have patience which is hard I know, but you'll start seeing results in about 3-4 weeks I believe

    Hope I helped & Good Luck :D

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